Too late to make any positive pledges for the year ahead? There’s no such thing! With 10 months or so left of 2019, what better time to focus on 10 different ways to up your gambling game this year?
If gambling is your thing, it simply makes sense to ensure you get maximum enjoyment out of your activities. Or more importantly, the best possible bang for your buck. That’s why we’d like to share a few suggestions on how you can improve your gambling in 2019. Irrespective of whether you gamble purely for fun or on a professional level, there’s plenty you can do to step things up for the year ahead.
So rather than letting another year slip by without making the most of it, here’s how to give your online gambling a real shot-in-the-arm in 2019:
1. Stray from your comfort zone
First and foremost, you should definitely think about making 2019 the year you bring a little much-needed variety into the mix. If sports betting is your thing, why not try your luck with one or two online casino games? If you typically stick with roulette or blackjack, why not sign up with a quality poker room and experience something completely different? It’s always wise to focus most of your efforts on the games you know and love, but a little variety really can make all the difference. Take the time to check out what’s on offer and you might find a new favourite pursuit this year.
2. Keep a record of your activities
Ask any expert and they’ll tell you the same – a gambling journal isn’t optional. If you expect to get the most out of your gambling activities, you need to keep a consistent and detailed record of them at all times. For one thing, it’s a great way of building a helpful resource, in order to see where you’ve succeeded and where things have gone wrong. In addition, it can also be a useful document to have on-hand if you’re ever asked to submit evidence regarding your gambling income and tax obligations.
3. Make use of online bonuses
As is usually the case, online casinos offer the richest rewards and biggest incentives to newcomers exclusively. Hence, there’s no reason why you can’t play the field and make use of as many of them as possible. Not all online casino bonuses are worth bothering with, but some really are worth their weight in gold. Check out the T&Cs carefully before signing up, in order to ensure you’re not biting off more than you can chew.
4. Set a gambling budget
The key to responsible gambling means establishing how much you can afford to lose and ensuring you never lose a penny more. Which isn’t rocket science – you simply need to set a weekly or monthly budget and stick to it. Setting a budget means assuming you’ll lose every penny of it, so must be comprised exclusively of disposable income you don’t need for anything else. Just as soon as your budget for the week or month has been exhausted, you’re done until your next instalment…no excuses.
5. Do some reading
Whether you’re into sports betting, roulette, poker, blackjack or anything else, there’s a whole world of helpful literature out there just waiting to be explored. Most of which can be accessed for free online, alongside thousands of helpful video tutorials and other invaluable resources. You can’t expect to reach the top of your game if you aren’t willing to put in the necessary time and effort. If you haven’t already done so, make 2019 the year you start taking things a little more seriously and get started on a little homework.
6. Try a different online casino
Loyalty is sometimes rewarded, but playing the field brings its own unique rewards. As already mentioned, the best bonuses and incentives are usually lavished on newcomers exclusively. Not only this, but tons of new casinos and gaming sites are opening their doors – practically on a daily basis. So rather than sticking like glue with the sites you’re familiar with, why not try something new? There’s nothing to lose and plenty to gain if you find a winner.
7. Take your safety seriously
If you don’t take your online safety and security seriously, nobody else will. The world’s leading casinos are making more decisive efforts than ever before to protect their players, but it’s ultimately up to you to ensure your personal information is kept safe. Stick exclusively with licensed and regulated casinos, avoiding public networks at all costs and keeping a close eye on your statements.
8. Save up for something special
For many gamblers, it’s a case of betting £10, winning say £100 and blowing the whole lot on a whole load of nothing. Which is a shame, given how rewarding it can be to save for something a little more special. Instead of chasing wins for no specific reason and blowing your winnings at random, why not set aside a kitty? Each time you win, add 50% of your winnings to the pot and allow it to accumulate over time.
9. Get to a real a casino
Much as online casinos can be engaging and enjoyable, there’s really nothing like the organised chaos of a real-life the casino. If you’ve never been to one, you’re in for a serious (and long overdue) treat! It’s a completely different experience and one that could change the way you look at gambling for life.
10. Give live-dealer gaming a go
Last up, the closest approximation you’ll get without actually leaving your home is live-dealer gaming. One of the most exciting and enjoyable innovations to hit the online casino market to date, it’s a case of switching the usual automated algorithms for a professional croupier. Not to mention, with the added enjoyment of a chat facility to meet new and (sometimes) interesting people from all over the world.