These days, online casino gamers have access to two distinct casino variants:
Those that can be played directly through their browsers and those that require software downloads.
In some instances, it may be possible to choose between both options with the same casino. By contrast, others exclusively offer downloadable apps or browser-based mobile versions of their primary site.
The question being – which of the two is best?
As with all aspects of casino gaming, you can expect an entirely different answer from everyone you ask. Indeed, much of it comes down to personal preferences as both options can deliver outstanding gaming experiences. Nevertheless, there are certain pros and cons to be taken into account with each, if unsure as to which represents the best choice for you.
Downloadable Apps
These days, more casinos than ever before are developing and launching their own dedicated mobile apps. Usually focusing on Android and iOS operating systems, the apps can be downloaded free of charge and positioned conveniently on your device’s desktop. After which, it’s simply a case of hitting the button to join the action.
In terms of features, usability and general technological advancement, apps are typically considered the superior option. Some of the better examples of mobile apps on the market these days are no less than mind-blowing. By harnessing the power of the device in question, mobile apps allow for considerably more impressive visuals, user-interfaces and general gaming experiences. This isn’t true of all casino apps, but it’s certainly the case with the market-leaders.
It’s also becoming commonplace for casinos to offer exclusive bonuses, promotions, competitions, features and even games to mobile app users only. Incentives are routinely offered to encourage as many people as possible to download the apps in question. What’s more, enabling ‘push’ notifications allows for regular updates to be received, even when the app is not in use.
So it’s clear to see there are various benefits of the downloadable app option. As for the disadvantages, the first is access to the casino being restricted to the device in question. You may have the app downloaded on your own device, but what about if and when you use a different device? Long story short – you won’t be able to access the casino without the app.
Then of course there’s the inevitable storage space required for the app, which in the case of many devices could be problematic. Last but not least, some gamers are wary to download apps where alternative options are available, in order to minimise the risk of viruses, spyware and related security issues.
Browser-Based Casinos
As for browser-based casinos, no software downloads are required to access what’s on offer. You simply head to the site using the device and browser of your choosing, with instant access to the games and services provided.
The biggest advantage of instant-play casinos is the sheer convenience. Any device at any time and from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection – no access restrictions whatsoever. Along with this, no storage space is required as with mobile apps and the risks associated with viruses and spyware are pretty much eliminated.
As for the downsides, the biggest disadvantage of browser-based mobile casinos is their performance limitations. Mobile casino websites tend to be significantly less powerful and impressive than their mobile app counterparts. It’s also common for mobile casino websites to offer access to significantly fewer games than mobile apps. In addition, not all browser-based mobile casinos are compatible with all mobile devices. The device and browser you use could have a marked impact on the quality of the experience as a whole.
Hardware Issues
Given the sheer range of mobile devices in circulation right now, it’s unreasonable to expect online casinos to provide flawless experiences across all devices. They basically have a choice – provide a cutting-edge online casino gaming for more powerful devices, or keep things simple for more basic and older devices. If you’re still using your old Samsung smartphone from 2010, you can’t realistically expect the same experience as delivered by the latest iPhone.
The problem being that where hardware issues complicate or dilute the experience, the customer in question typically blames the casino. They have no luck with the app or the mobile website, summarily venting their frustrations at the service provider. Despite the fact that there’s very little they can do about it.
As a rule of thumb, anyone with an interest in online gaming should ensure they have a reasonably up to date device. You don’t have to spend four figures on the most powerful smartphones and tablets on the market, but attempting to get by with a potato isn’t a wise move either. If you’re consistently struggling with mobile casino gaming, it could be a hardware issue, rather than the casino software itself.
…and the winner is?
To state that either of the two stands out as a clear winner would be misleading. Browser-based mobile casinos remain the industry standard, but mobile apps are gaining traction all the time. Some argue that as browser-based casinos become more sophisticated, mobile apps are becoming less necessary. But then you have those who argue that mobile casino apps will always be more sophisticated than their browser-based counterparts.
In truth, it all comes down to the casino you decide to do business with. Some casinos offer the most outstanding browser-based experiences for mobile customers, others pay no real mind to mobile audiences at all. Some of the mobile apps on the market right now are no less than spectacular, while others have struggled to earn one out of five stars. Once again therefore, it’s impossible to declare a winner as it depends entirely on the casino in question.
So it’s the usual case of sticking with the best in the business and seeing what works for you. Given that it’s free and easy to put both options to the test, there’s no reason not to do precisely that. Check out as many reviews and recommendations as necessary to pinpoint the perfect mobile casino and dive right into the action!